In the absence of important intelligence from the seat of war, collided with the limited attendance of members of the Stock Exchange, many of whom are spending the Christmas festivities iii the country, the EnglishEunds this week have undergone few fluctuatiens. The prineipel operations occurred en Wednesday, and were at first on the adverse side, ineonsequence Ofelluffions in the speech of the Emperor of France to the intended armameets and necessity for a loan ; to which the greater importance was attached as- it had produced a fall in the French Fund of 1 per cent. Consolsavere One that morning at 91; but they afterwards rallied te 915 e; through plureheses amounting to about 200,000/. The other transactions'of the week have been also confined within this range of prices. SOW& of them have been Abe result of speculative opinions on the mission of the Prussian envoy to this country. The continued flatness in the Paris niarket, and an increased demand for money which is usual just before the close of the year, have had some. influence; also from its being considered probable.that the new kap of .20,000,0001. may cause sums to be drawn from this side. Owing to prepa- rations by capitalists for the loan, the rate of exchange at Paris hoe become unfavourable for this eouutry, and gold his been already drawn from the Bank of England for that city, where the French bankers are Sellers of bills on London, that they may be well supplied with cash.. The arrivule of gold this Week have been small,—namely, 5250 sovereigns from Sydney, and 100,000/. by the Peninsular and Oriental Steamer Tagus.
Bank Stock is about 1 per cent better this week; Exchequer Bills are at last week's rates.
The Foreign Market has exhibited the same inactivity that brie been so long prevalent : the leading securities have been maintained, and Dapish Five per Cents are 1 better. Mexican and Spanish are a little lower. Turkish Scrip, after receding to 74, has rallied, and is today 751 6. In Railways, the alteration has been very slight hi most eases: specula- tion his, however, been promoted in thou lines where' increased dividends are anticipated. London and North-Western are firm at 1005 1; Greet Northern have improved I/. ; and Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and South-Western, and North-Eastern—Berwick, 108. In Great Western several sales have been made, and they are now offered at 691 70. The decline in Paris has affected French Shares ; and Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Rouen, have fallen 21. Other Foreign Shares are 10s. to los. lower. The Northern of France has been authorized by the shareholders to carry out the arrangement for the purchase of the Namur and Liege line.
The English Fends are a little lower this morning, and Console have been sellers at 911 they are now 911 5. Exchequer Bills 4 7. There is an in- crease of 108;2251. in this week's return of bullion by the Bank of England. 'There is no movement in Foreign Stocks. Torkish_Serip is steady at 765 6. Railways have not altered ; some transactions have taken place at these prices—Eastern Counties, 115; Great Northern, 915; London and North- W-estern, 1001; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 2411; North-Eastern— York, 521.
'Ditto 4 per Cents 91 2 Mexican 3 per Cents 204 li Peruvian 41 per Cents 69 71 Ditto 3 per Cents 98 50 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Ditto 41 per Cents 87 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 38 9
" Ditto Deferred 185 5
Sardinian 5 per Cents 885 Swedish 4 per Cents 83 6
911 I
8 per Cent Reduced 90+ 15
New 3 per Cents 9141 a
Long Annuities
• Bank Stock 208 10 Exchequer Bills 4 7 India Stock shut Austrian 5 per Cents 83 6 1$ra4han 5 per Cents.. 97 9 Belgian 41 per Cents * 90 2 Chihan 6 per Cents 100 2 Danish 5 per Ceuta 141-3
SATURDAY, Two o'CLoox.
The English Funds close rather stronger, and Ceusols for Aecountsare now 9155. Exchequer Bills 4 7. The transactions todiy in all '4,epert- inents have been singularly limited. In Foreign Stocks, Dutch Two-end-a- half and-Fourper Cents are 1 better. Buenos Ayres has declined 2 per cent ; the bargains have been at 62, 1, 3. Spanish Passive Converted have
been done et 41, and Turkish Scrip at 755 for Money and 7555 for the Ae- . coun t.
Railways close at a trifling improvement—Caledonian, 615; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 911; Ditto B Stock, 124; Great Western, 691; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 731; London and Blackwell, 8; London, Brighton; and South Coast, 107; London and North-Western, ,1015;, Ditto Eighths, 15; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, act; Midland, 685 ; Nortla-Festern—Berwick, 745; Ditto York, 525; North Staffordshire, 13 ; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stook, 125., Great Northern 6 per Cent, 114; Eastern Of France, 31; East Indian, 21; East Indian Exten- sion, 2; Great Western of Canada, 1-65; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 25; Northern of France, 201. 3 per Cent Bonds, late Boulogne and Amiens Shares, 125. Mines—Rhymney .Iron, New, 61; Tin Croft, I.. Joint Stock Banks—Oriental Bank Corporation, 38; Union of Auetralia, 67. !die- .celleneous-sCryetal Palace, 35; North British Australasian, 5; Peel River Land and Mineral, 25; Scottish Australasian Investment, New, 1 ;
3 per Cent Consols - shnt Dankli 3 per Cents 78 Al Dutch 21 per Cents Cl 2