The telegraph is not so bountiful as usual in its
supply of despatches,
-but quite as problematical as ever. ,• "COnstanSinople, December 20,—It is confidently asserted that the resolu- iion has been adopted to storm Sebastopol as soon as the Turkish reinforce- -flunk eosin up. The French, it is said, are to storm, whilst the „British and Turks attack Menschikoff."
" Marseilles, December 28.—Intelligence has arrived here that, on the 18th instant, the Russian Army marebed upon Erzerouni. An attaele on the Circassians had been vigorously repulsed by the Turks commanded by 'English officers. The Turkish army is found insufficient, and reinforcements are demanded."
" Vienna, December 28.—A despatch from Warsaw announces that Rus- sian nevalartilletymen Luken out of the Baltie,fleet had arrived at Sebas- topol, and that to their presence is due the recent precision of the fire from Selaaste-pol, as-vrellas the newfound boldness of the fleet."