30 DECEMBER 1882, Page 1

The Bishop of Truro has accepted the Archbishopric of Canterbury,

and, as he will be a very young Archbishop—only fifty-three—his administration of the Primaoy, if it is successful at all, will probably be memorable. Dr. Benson enters on his See at a very critical conjuncture, when it will be hardly possible for him not to take a distinctive line, and when any distinctive line is sure to offend many, though it may satisfy more. Without courage, without independence, without ignoring completely the fatal desire to please all parties, nothing effectual can be done to save the Church from schism. But though Dr. Benson cannot please all parties by comprehending all parties, he may be able to comprehend all parties without pleasing them. Fortunately, no one has ever accused Dr. Benson either of being a Ritualist himself, or of being indifferent to the feelings of the laity whose pastors the clergy are. And therefore he may, without suspicion, do everything in his power to keep within the Anglican Church those so-called Ritualists who are heartily supported by their laity in the wish to use the highest ritual ever sanctioned by the Reformed Church, though he may fitly condition for the careful protection of the interests of the minorities of parishioners, whether those minorities be op- ponents of a high ritual or devotees of such a ritual. It will be a singular advantage for Dr. Benson that in thus acting, he will only be showing his profound reverence for the dying wishes of Archbishop Tait.