30 DECEMBER 1882, page 1

News Of The Week

• THE accounts of M. Gambetta's health have become alarming. He wounded himself recently in the hand with a revolver, :and although the wound healed, the symptoms of......

The Bishop Of Truro Has Accepted The Archbishopric Of...

and, as he will be a very young Archbishop—only fifty-three—his administration of the Primaoy, if it is successful at all, will probably be memorable. Dr. Benson enters on his......

Social Gossip Has, As Usual, Made Merry Over The Delay

of Dr. Benson in accepting the Primacy, as if such coyness could only be the result of a conventional reluctance to accept ecclesias- tical sway. In reality, however, quite......

The Recast Of The Subordinate Offices Is Not Yet Complete.

It is obvious that a successor in the Commons must be found for Sir Charles Dilke as Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and rumour speaks of Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice as that......

Sir Charles Dilke Has Accepted The Presidency Of The Local

Government Board, while Mr. Dodson, who has resigned that post, has accepted the Duchy of Lancaster, so that the Cabinet now consists of seven Commoners and seven Peers,—Mr.......

The Bishop Of Manchester Explained In A Long Letter To

Sir Percival Heywood, which appeared in the newspapers of yester- day week, his reasons for refusing to institute Mr. Cowgill to the living of Miles Platting. These reasons were......

4 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
