30 DECEMBER 1882, page 13
Letters To The Editor.
THE BISHOP OF MANCHESTER AND MILES PLATTING. [To THE Enivon OF THE SPECITATOR."] SLH,—I cannot but think that many of your readers will have been as much pained as I was on......
South Africa.
LTO TEE ED/TOE OF THE " $kitOTATOIL" 1 1 a;—Will you allow me to make a few remarks on your criticism, in the Spectator of November 4th, on Sir Bartle Frere's article entitled......
Lord Wolseley On The Road To Success.
T ORD WOLSELEY has been advising the children of J " Woodville National School " how to win success in life, and his letter, granting a single datum, is a sensible one enough :—......