Fry's Guide to the London Charities. (D. Rogue.)—This is the
twentieth annual edition of a carefully compiled guide to the institu- tions of which it treats. From the preface we learn that St. George's Hospital, like many other charities, complains, " Our old supporters pass away, and their place is not proportionately supplied. We have had to sell out £8,000 of our capital to meet the current expenditure." King's College Hospital (in a more densely populated part of London) is still worse off for new subscribers, and foresees that its invested fends (of which 29,500 have had to be sold out) will soon be entirely exhausted. The authorities of Westminster Hospital, in like manner, say l—" As old friends drop off, they are not replaced. Last year the Governors had to sell out £4,000, and it will not take long to dispose of the whole of our available funds." ' We also learn that " the vast sums bestowed upon the Victoria Patriotic Schools on Wandsworth Common, it seems, no longer hold out ; and the Government, after much inquiry and protest, has been obliged to shut up one-half the school. Only the girls are now maintained ; the boys' school has been sold to the Trustees of the Westminster Emanuel School, which is forthwith to be removed thither, and to supply a higher grade of instruction than was provided by the old parochial charities of West- minster." Per contra, Mr. Fry says :—" The Consumption Hospital at Ventnor may be congratulated upon a great windfall ; it has been said—I know not how truly—that it will benefit by the will of the late Mr. Jones, of Piccadilly, to the extent of nearly 2200,000,—a singular exception to the rale which prevailed last year in the receipts from legacies by other institutions."