30 JANUARY 1892, Page 11

The Annals of Swainswick. By R. E. M. Peach. (Sampson

Low and Co.)—Mr. Peach has collected a number of interesting facts about the parish of Swainswick (near Bath), as, indeed, any com- petent person may do if he will take the pains to search into parish history. The Manor, the Church, the parish hooks, all furnish material. It is noticeable that in the 314 years since 1577, there have been but eight rectors, including the present incum- bent, Professor Earle. This gives very nearly forty years to each. We may be permitted to hope that Professor Earle, who has held the living since 1857, will raise the average. The first on the list, Richard Davys, was curate and rector for seventy-one years. The most dis- tinguished native of Swainswick is William Prynne, of whom Mr- Peach gives an interesting account. The burial of a centenarian is recorded in 1631, and of another of the same name four years afterwards. In a note we are told of a certain James White, who died in Walcot Poorhouse at an age which must have been 107, and may have been 113. He died in 1808, and remembered the death of Queen Anne. The accounts contain some curious items. In 1631, the parish paid 6s. 3d. for "six fox-heads and three ravens." Foxes frequently appear, their price being 1s. per head. Washing the surplice cost 4d., but the price was raised to 6d. "Maimed soldier money" is a frequently recurring item. In 1674, twelve days' work with a team of horses is charged at 6s. per day. In 1686, the parish collects 19s. 21d. for the French Protes- tants, in obedience to a letter from Bishop Ken, who speaks of it as "a godlike charity." Two years afterward, the parish pays two shillings for the ringers on the birth of the Young Pretender, a shilling for a prayer against the invasion of William III., and another shilling for a thanksgiving for his success. The fauna of Swainswick is abundant; of its flora the most curious item is the red-currant found wild.