Averil. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. (religious Tract...
a pretty story, which it would not be easy, perhaps, to distinguish from an ordinary novel. One may have a suspicion that it would not have appeared under its present auspices......
English Carols Of The Fifteenth Century. Edited By J. A.
Fuller Maitland. (Leadenhall Press.)—Students of music will read this volume with much interest, nor will those who regard it from the literary point of view find it without......
To Be Told That The Library Of The Great College
inherited very little indeed from the smaller foundations in which it had a part at least of its beginnings. Michaelhouse had a large library, but only two or three of its......
Westmoreland Church Notes. Collected And Arranged By...
vols. (T. Wilson, Kendal.)—Mr. Bellasis has collected here the " heraldry, epitaphs, and other inscriptions in the thirty- two ancient parish churches and churchyards of......
Messrs. Marcus Ward And Co. Send Us Six Little Volumes,
prettily illustrated, of extracts, in prose and verse, from the works of Frances Ridley Havergal, bearing the general title of " Messages for Life's Journey." These are : Songs......
The Annals Of Swainswick. By R. E. M. Peach. (sampson
Low and Co.)—Mr. Peach has collected a number of interesting facts about the parish of Swainswick (near Bath), as, indeed, any com- petent person may do if he will take the......
Memoir And Letters Of Sidney Gilchrist Thomas. Edited By R.
W. Burnie. (John Murray.)—This is a remarkable biography, not so much for its execution, though this is just what could be wished, as for the remarkable interest of the subject.......
Kinsfolk And Others. By The Author Of "the Atelier Du
Lys." (National Society.)—Here we have a social problem, as it may be called, neatly set forth. A girl, just growing into a woman, is claimed by her mother, who had left her as......