30 JANUARY 1892, page 17

News Of The Week.

T HE Queen has addressed a touching letter to her people, repeating her" deep sense " of the loyalty and affectionate sympathy they have expressed "on an occasion more tragical......

Reports Are, We See, Current That The Parnellites And Anti-

Parnellites are to unite again in one compact Nationalist Party. There are obviously negotiations going on, there is a lull in the discharge of verbal artillery, and the English......

The Chili= Note, After Apologies, Proposes That "the Case Be

submitted to the Supreme Court at Washington, to the end that that high tribunal, with its learning and impartiality," may determine without appeal whether there be any ground......

10 0 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


On Monday, President Harrison Sent A Long And...

message to Congress, in which he de- scribed the course of the negotiations with Chili. He had told Congress in his annual Message that he expected a satis- factory settlement......

The Gladstonians Have Gained An Impressive Victory In...

Hartington's recent seat. Although the poll was extraordinarily heavy—not 10 per cent. abstaining— and the Conservative strength was increased by 613 above its figure in 1885,......


On Thursday, A Second Message Was Sent, In Which The

President informed Congress that a Note bad been received from the Chilian Minister dated January 23rd, " but not delivered at the State Department until after 12 o'clock noon......

Foe The

No. 3,318.] WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1892. [REGISTZRZD AS • r PRICZ 4d NEWSPAPER. BY P osy, did.......