30 JANUARY 1892, Page 17

On Monday, President Harrison sent a long and threateningly worded

message to Congress, in which he de- scribed the course of the negotiations with Chili. He had told Congress in his annual Message that he expected a satis- factory settlement of the question, but that if such settlement did not take place, or was needlessly delayed, he would bring this matter "again to the attention of Congress for such action as may be necessary." " In my opinion the time has now come when I should lay before Congress and the country the correspondence between this Government and the Govern- ment of Chili." After setting forth the original causes of complaint with the force and dignity which often charac- terise the State papers of the Republic, the message dwells upon the subsequent case of " Patrick Shields, an Irishman, and probably a British subject, but at the time a fireman on board the American steamer Keweenaw,' " who was mal- treated when on shore "largely by the police."