THE Queen has addressed a touching letter to her people, repeating her" deep sense " of the loyalty and affectionate sympathy they have expressed "on an occasion more tragical than any but one which has befallen me and mine, as well as the nation." The overwhelming misfortune which has befallen her and his parents in the loss of one so amiable and gentle and full of promise, renders it " hard for his stricken parents, his dear young bride, and his fond grandmother to bow in submission to the inscrutable" will. " The sympathy of millions, which has been so touchingly and visibly expressed, is deeply gratifying at such a time, and I wish, both in my own name and that of my children, to express, from my heart, my warm gratitude to all. These testimonies of sympathy with us, and appreciation of my dear Grandson, whom I loved as a Son, and whose devotion to me was as great as that of a Son, will be a help and consolation to me and mine in our affliction. My bereavements daring the last thirty years of my reign have indeed been heavy. Though the labours, anxieties, and responsibilities inseparable from my position have been great, yet it is my earnest prayer that God may continue to give me health and strength to work for the good and happiness of my dear Country and Empire while life lasts.—VICTORIA, R.I." The letter is obviously in the Queen's own handwriting, and from the Queen's own heart.