30 JANUARY 1892, Page 11

Westmoreland Church Notes. Collected and arranged by Edward Bellasis. 2

vols. (T. Wilson, Kendal.)—Mr. Bellasis has collected here the " heraldry, epitaphs, and other inscriptions in the thirty- two ancient parish churches and churchyards of Westmoreland." This he has done in the interests of genealogy ; and those who are concerned with that study, with which, indeed, any of us may have something to do, ought to be much obliged to him. Inscriptions and other records of the departed have a tendency to disappear. Time destroys many, and the hand of the restorer, now happily in a measure stayed, still more. A record is therefore valuable. —We cannot exactly see the reason for the collection entitled Faithful Servants, by Arthur J. Munby, M.A. (Reeves and Turner),

except it be to increase our regard for human nature. Mr. Munby' assisted by friends, has taken pains to collect the inscriptions on monuments erected by employers to faithful servants. He has put together 692, " 450 on female servants, and 242 on male." More than three hundred of these come from an earlier work, where the proportion was reversed (187 men and 124 women). A number of obituary notices are given.