30 JANUARY 1892, Page 12

Selected Sermons of Schleiermacher. Translated by Mary F. Wilson. (Hodder

and Stoughton.)—This is a volume of "The Foreign Biblical Library" series, which is appearing under the editorship of Dr. W. Robertson Nicoll. Twenty-seven sermons of Schleiermacher have been chosen, and a memoir has been prefixed. The sermons are peculiarly interesting, in view of the course of Christian thought since the preacher's' time, a course which his utterances have not failed to affect. The first discourse is on prayer. We gather from it that the preacher was inclined to limit his views as to the efficacy of prayer to its subjective in- fluence on the mind. " Christ's Resurrection an Image of Our Lord," implies a simple acceptance of the fact of the bodily resurrection of Christ. The view of the Personality of Christ, as set forth in " Jesus Born the Son of God," seems to be in harmony with the orthodox standard. Schleiermacher was considerably opposed to anything like Ebionitism. The style of the discourses is admirable. They are full of force and unction, and their characteristic merits seem to have been adequately represented by the translator.