30 JANUARY 1892, Page 13

An Introduction to the Johannine Writings. By Paton J. Gloag,

D.D. (Nisbet and Co.)—We cannot pretend to criticise in the space at our command Dr. Gloag's learned work; but we do not hesitate to commend it to the consideration of theological students. Part of it has been anticipated by the author's dis- cussion of the Epistles in his " Introduction to the Catholic Epistles," a book which has taken a place of its own in Biblical criticism. We have now, in addition, a full treatment of the questions that concern the authorship, date, and general bearing of the Fourth Gospel and the Apocalypse. As to the Gospel, Dr. Gloag evidently thinks that the case for its apostolicity is strengthening. At the same time, the concessions which he makes, and, in our opinion, is quite right in making, are incon- sistent with a hard and mechanical theory of inspiration. " We have no hesitation," he writes, "in allowing a certain degree of subjectivity on the part of John." Certainly "subjectivity" in the inspired writer finds no place in the teaching of Dr. Goulburn and his friends. The argument on this subject will be found candid and instructive. With regard to the Apocalypse, Dr. Gloag holds with the view that ascribes the later date to its authorship, and is in- clined, though he holds that the key to its meaning has not been discovered, to the futurist rather than the prEeterist school. Here, too, the reader will find a candid and complete statement of the question.—The Structure of the Apocalypse. By David Brown, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—After a silence of nearly fifty years on all prophetical subjects, Dr. Brown issues this volume, summing up the results of many reflections and much study. He holds the later theory of the date, and its predictive character, referring much of its language to Pagan and Papal Rome. It is evident that Dr. Brown keeps to the view, which, indeed, was almost universal among Protestant divines in the days of his youth, that the " Man of Sin " is the Pope.—Along with these may be mentioned:—The Practical Teaching of the Apocalypse. By the Rev. G. V. Garland. (Longmans.)—Mr. Garland holds that the Papacy is pointed at in the Revelation, but that the full development of the hostile power is yet to come.—The First Epistle of St. John. By the Rev. C. Watson, D.D. (Maclehose and Sons, Glasgow.)