Bungalows and Country Houses. By R. A. Bri gg s. (B. T.
Bats- ford.)—If any one must build—for to build without compulsion is surely an act of unwisdom which we should be sorry to attribute to our readers—let him look at Mr. Briggs's book, "a series of designs and examples of recently executed works." This is the feature of the volume. Houses actually built at a named cost are pictured. What has been done can be done again, allowing for some fluctuations in the market. Plate 3, for instance, gives a house that was built for under £800. It contains two sitting- rooms, four bedrooms, and a bath-room, with offices, &c. The next plate gives a design for one that is to cost £1,000 (according to estimates actually sent in). Here are five bedrooms and three sitting-rooms. Add £150 for an acre of land, and you get a respectable house for what would bring you in from Consols about £35.