30 JANUARY 1892, Page 18

The report of the Registrar-General published on Wednes- day shows

that there was no abatement, but rather an increase in the influenza, during the week ending last Saturday. For London the total death-rate per thousand was 46, an increase of 6 since the last report. The deaths specially ascribed to influenza were 506, as against 271 in the previous week, and 19 five weeks ago. The total deaths in London during the week were 3,761, and the total births 2,623. This is 1,762 above the average of deaths, and 258 below the average of births. Brighton enjoys the unenviable position of having the highest death-rate per thousand of any of the great towns,—namely 60-9. In Portsmouth the death-rate is declining, being now only 44-3. Huddersfield is the healthiest town, with a death- rate of 17-3. In spite of these figures, there is no panic, probably because influenza so closely resembles in externals an ordinary feverish cold. There seems, too, a general im- pression that the virulence of the epidemic is now abating, and though this is not borne out by the figures, it may be true. They refer to the state of London a week ago, and not to its present condition.