The Times' correspondent at Rome attributes immense im- portance to
the appointment of Cardinal Ledochowski, a Pole,. as Prefect of the Propaganda. He is a close friend of the Pope, a bitter enemy of Prince Bismarck, and by no means a good friend to Germany. He is, however, comparatively moderate on the question of the Temporal Power, though he insists that the Italian Government must quit Rome. We see signs that the Italian Cardinals are annoyed by this elevation of a foreigner to one of the highest places in Rome, but no evidence that the matter is of any other importance. The Pope forms resolutions for himself, and should he succumb in his feeble- ness to any fatal illness, the Cardinals are certain to elect an Italian, probably Cardinal la Valletta. The rumours of the Pope's attack of influenza would seem to be false, but he is nearly 82 years of age, the action of his heart is weak, and a new election may occur very speedily. It is asserted that,. with a view to it, a great many vacancies will be filled up at the next Consistory.