30 JANUARY 1892, Page 31


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,-Mr. Angus is rather hard on the " Episcopal Church in Scotland." It is true that the Roman conception of Church authority is unique in its definiteness. But a Church, like the conscience or the Bible, may be an authority " in things spiritual," without any claim to mechanical infallibility. Church authority is very like State authority. Vox populi vox Dei, suprema lex regis voluntas, are definite theories of the latter; as the theory of a verbally inspired Bible or a cen- tralised oracle at Rome, are of the former. But those who prefer vaguer and more philosophical conceptions, may still have a " faith " and an " authority" which is (pace both Mr. Angus and Archdeacon Denison) " worth much."—I am, Sir,

Canon of Inverness and Diocesan Chaplain.