The Devil's Picture - Books : a History of Playing - Cards. By Mrs.
John King Van Rensselaer. (T. Fisher Unwin.)--This is a learned and interesting book. The author traces back cards to the East under their earliest form and name, the Tarot (which we are now told is the key to the occult science), and pursues their history down to modern times, and the familiar shape which they have now assumed. Charles VII. of France (father of Henry V.'s Queen Katharine) had a pack of these Tarots painted for him, and these are the earliest in existence. But there are, it seems, many diversities of form characteristic of different countries. The original Tarots are still used in some out-of-the-way places. The learned expositions of Mrs. Van Rensselaer are assisted by some well-executed illustrations. Of all the curious facts that are recorded in this volume, nothing is more strange than that Napoleon never embarked on any operation of importance without first consulting a peculiar pack of cards (not divided into suits) which he kept for the purpose.