Six Months in Jerusalem By the Rev. Charles Biggs. (Mow-
bray.)—Mr. Biggs, who was chaplain for six months to Bishop Blyth, writes in a very thoughtful way about matters social, ecclesiastical, and religious in Jerusalem. He pleads for a liberal view of Eastern Christianity, and also of Afahommedanism, and deprecates the common hasty practice of judging the conduct and thought of populations so remote from us by European standards. There are also interesting descriptions of scenes in Jerusalem and elsewhere,—e.g., the Lake of Galilee, the Dead Sea. On occasion, too, as in the case of Bethlehem, he gives the reader some valuable illustrations of Scripture. Altogether the book is one to be read with profit, especially by any one who has it in his mind to visit the Holy Land. One sentence we will quote, without giving any opinion as to its truth,—"I am sure if they [the Mahommedans] are to be won to Christianity, it must be by a presentation of it which insists on regular asceticism."