30 JANUARY 1897, page 8

Paris Days And Evenings. By Stuart Henry. (t. Fisher Unwin.)

—There are many curious things in this book, and some, cer- tainly, that are not wholly edifying. Among the latter is one which nevertheless might, from one point of view, be......

Lincoln's Inn Fields And The Localities Adjacent. By C. W.

Heckethorn. (Elliot Stock.)—This is one of the books which a writer who is not an expert in the subject may commend to the public without hesitation. The illustrations are......

Charles Gounod. From The French. By The Hon. W. Hely

Hutchinson. (W. Heinemann.)—This is the record of a remark- able career and the description of an interesting personality. Charles Gounod had artistic powers of an unusual kind.......

Current Literature.

Animal Episodes and Studies in Sensation. By G. H. Powell. (George Redway. )—These are very clever stories, and there is nothing in the least unhealthy about the "Studies in......

Eton Fifty Years Ago.*

THE last half-century has witnessed many changes in social life, but none more radical than that which has taken place in our public schools. The change must have been a......

Michael And His Lost Angel. By H. A. Jones. (macmillan

and Co.)—Mr. Jones, in publishing this play (withdrawn, it will be remembered, after ten performances), provides us with a criticism ready-made. It is, says Mr. Joseph Knight,......