30 JANUARY 1897, Page 8


Animal Episodes and Studies in Sensation. By G. H. Powell. (George Redway. )—These are very clever stories, and there is nothing in the least unhealthy about the "Studies in Sensation." The story of the great Westminster fire called " Machina Er- Ccelo ?" is one of the most vivid and powerful stories of its kind that we have ever read ; nor is the snake-story called "The Blue Dryad" much inferior to it. It tells the great prowess of a cat as well as the deadliness of the snake. Again, the Alpine adventure called "Let Off with a Caution" is full of effect. In a word, Mr. G. H. Powell is evidently a master of the short story. He knows how to concentrate his effects, and yet never piles them up so as to defy all probability. We shall expect to hear of Mr. G. H. Powell again. A slight volume could hardly be found more full of amusement.