30 JANUARY 1897, page 31

A Kangaroo-story.

[To TITZ EDITOR Or TEX " EIPZOTATOR,"] SIR,—Seeing a piece on kangaroos in one of your recent numbers, I thought the following incident might be of interest to some of your......

The Plague In Bombay.

[To TICK EDITOR Or TEl SPEOILTOR."] Sin,—As I have known Bombay for Oyer thirty years, and during more than half of that period was a resident there, you may perhaps permit me......

East African Exploration.

[To THZ EDITOR Or THZ " SPECTAITOR."] the able review entitled "East African Exploration" in the Spectator of August 22nd, 189G, which has just reached -me, I observe that you......

Self-government For The Church.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Mr. J. Llewelyn Davies, who writes to you, in the Spectator of January 23rd, under the heading, "Clericalist Church Reform," does not......