The firmness of the French Funds has given an improved tone to our Money-market ; the current quotations of Tuesday being in advance of the closing prices of last week by nearly per cent. Since that day, the fluctua- tion has not exceeded per cent, and the higher quotations lave been gene- rally well supported. The principal features of the week have been some extensive purchases by the Bank broker ; who on two occasions has bought Consols extensively for Money and Account, at 91i. There has also been a general disposition among the public to purchase Stock for Money ; while the speculators have been selling for Time, in the hope that some poli- tical reverse either in France upon the Regency question, or in America upon those of the Boundary and Right of Search, may cause an alarm in the public mind and induce the real holders of Stock to sell. There seems little probability of any but a peaceable settlement in France ; and though we believe the same result cannot be so confidently or speedily anticipated with respect to the United States, we are inclined to believe that Lord ASHBURTON will not have taken his voyage across the Atlantic in vain, and that ultimately the dis- pute will be adjusted. In the absence of any exciting political cause to de- press prices, the Public Securities must, from the great abundance of money, continue to improve. Some idea may be formed of the extent of the purchases of Stock for Money by the public during the last few days, by the fact, that a banker who lent 500,000!. generally in the Stock Exchange, from the last settling-day, 15th July, till the following one, 25th August, receiving as security an equiva- lent amount of Three per cent. Consols, has within the last few days, been re- paid more than one-half of the amount, and has been called upon to transfer a proportional quantity of Stock; the jobbers having no other means of supply- ing the demand for it, than by the present delivery of that already sold for a future day, and being thus losers of the interest for the whole period between that of the transfer and the maturity of the loan, 25th August. So alive are the speculators to the importance of the intelligence from America, that it is understood they have pigeon-expresses from Liverpool, in the same way as from Paris. The substance of the news brought by the Great Western was known to-day soon after eleven o'clock, although the letters and Rapers brought V his arrival were only delivered by the afternoon mail. It is to the gales m13 in anticipation of the effect to be produced by this intelligence that the market gave way this morning, when, notwithstanding the purchase of the Bank- broker already alluded to, 91*, and another extensive one at 91A, Consols de- clined to 91, both for Money and Account. The current quotation during the afternoon was 91 to h, which was also the closing price. Bank Stock, which kw been long steady between 166 and 167, has today improved, having been done at 16%, and afterwards at 1674. The premium of Exchequer Bills has advanced ; those bearing 2id. interest per day having risen from 48s. to 53s., and those bearing only 2d per day from 46s. to 51s.
Till today, the operations in the Foreign Market have been quite unimport- ant, and the fluctuations as trifling. A decline of per cent occurred this afternoon in Mexican Bonds, which fell to 35 when the intelligence brought by the Great Western became public : the decline was so rapid that scarcely any sales could be effected between the extreme quotations. The price improved towards the close of business ; having risen to 35i, and being at last quoted at 35i 4. The dividend-paying European Stocks are in demand at rather higher prices, as might naturally be expected from the plenty of money : but the business transacted has been unimportant. Brazilian and Old Portuguese Bonds have recovered the depression of last week ; the former having reached 644, and the latter 55*. Portuguese Regency Bonds are without material variation. Spanish Stock is heavy ; both Active and Three per Cents being nearly per cent below our last prices. Columbian and the other South American are depressed in the absence of any business of importance ; and we may remark that generally there is not any disposition among the public to purchase either speculatively or for investment, the more worthless description of Foreign Stocks. There has been for some time a demand for Spanish Ac- tive Stock for Holland; but as only the smaller description of Bonds are taken by the purchasers, the supply is limited, and the demand has consequently not produced any affect upon the prices. The Railway transactions have not been extensive; and the prices generally. are much the same as last week.
The English Funds are firmer this morning ; Consols for Money and Account having been quoted at 91*, and the price being now 944 *, an advance of per cent upon the closing prices of yesterday, Exchequer Bills are the same. The only variation in the Foreign Funds is in the price of Mexican and Spanish Stock, the former having nearly recovered the depression of yesterday, and after being quoted at 36, is now 354. 6; while the latter has improved it percent. The only transaction we can notice in the Railway Shares has been in South- western, at 62. The others are at yesterday's prices.
The English Funds are rather firmer, in consequence of a purchase of 30,000/. Consols, by the Bank-broker, at 91* for 12th August; and the closing price of Consols may be quoted at 91* both for Money and Account. Ex- chequer Bills are the same ; and there has been no variation or material business in the Foreign Funds.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account .. 3 per Cent Reduced
911 4 91/ 914 1 Columbian 6 per Cents. Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 2*.per Cents
201 11 804 14 51* / 34 per Cent Ditto
1051 * Mexican o per Cents Consd . 351 fit
New 34 per Cents
106 Portuguese Regency 5 perCls. 331 1 Bank Stock
1671 8/ Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841. 271 8+
Exchequer Bills, 248.
.. prem. 51 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 191 20 Ditto, 28 do. 49 51 Russian 5 per Cents 114 115 India Stock
248 9
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents
201 1
Brazilian 5-per Cents
64 5
Ditto 3 per Cents ism
20/ 11 Belgian 5 per Cents
1014 24-