Baron Von Bather's Improvements In Steam-
WE witnessed on Saturday last a trial of the improved furnace for steam-boilers, in use at the sugar-refinery of Messrs. WAINWRIGHT and Germsimar junior, Prince's Place, St.......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, July 25th, John King, Bristowe, from Mauritius; 28th, Mary Sophia, Thompson, from Bengal ; and Dream, Squire, from the Cape. At Li- verpool, 27th,......
At The Lyceum, A New Melodrama And A Burlesque Are
announced. And this reminds us that OXBERRY'S grotesque dancing in the bur- lesque ballet of Griselle, or Dancing Mad, is too good to be passed un- noticed : his mimicry of the......
Spobr's "fall Of Babylon."
WE stated some months since that &ORB had consented to place his new oratorio, The Fall of Babylon, at the disposal of the Committee of Management for the coming Norwich......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The firmness of the French Funds has given an improved tone to our Money-market ; the current quotations of Tuesday being in advance of the......
The Theatres.
Tam Haymarket bills parade a succession of the "stock pieces," as ' they are called, of our comic drama ; and the audience hear the words of different parts parroted forth ;......