Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 20th July, at Paris. the Lady of G. S. Haacousx, Esq., of Ankerwycke I louse, Buckinghamshire, of a daughter, still-born. On the 2t1, at Cuckfield Vicarage, the......
Uses Of The Daguerreotype.
THE Daguerreotype process, as improved by M. CLAUDET, can repre- sent objects all but in motion : a momentary suspension of movement only is necessary to fix the image on the......
Fine Arts.
CARTOON BY RAPHAEL, IN THE NATIONAL GALLERY. THE National Gallery has been lately enriched with the large fragment of a Cartoon by RAPHAEL, representing The Murder of the......
Commercial Gazette
Tuesday, July * PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.. Hudson and Fann. Nottingham. hosiers-Clayton and Haig. t, Huddersfield, painters -Wyer and Keat, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square,......