B. and W. MORLEY. York, coach-makers -ELLA and Haves, Ilarriott Street, New Cut. Lambeth, card-manufacturers-T. and C. IliTCHARD, Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico, surveyors-COCHRAN and Key, Strand, booksellers-THEVENIN and ELDER- TON. Greenwich, tallowseltandlers-Prreas and NELL, Manchester, wine-merchants- PETERS and Cox, Salami, wine.merchants-S. and E. GOULD, Rochester, school-mis- tresses-Proorr and Lien-mots New Bond Street, milliners-Wgraler and Co. Hand Court, Holborn, grainers-TAYLOR and BROWNLOW, Beverley, merehantsBANTING and Co. Pall Mall, upholders-JoNes and Co. Cardigan, rope-makers- -BABY and Co. Ma nchester,hop-mercha nts -II o ea in NSON awl FuoGoorr. N ewark-upon-Trent,tobaceo- manufacturers-S1 NES and Co. Bread Street Hill, Cheapside, tobacconists; a- far as regards W. C. BOYALL-1:. and J. Ltovn, Mold, Flintshire, booksellers-Tw ream awl MEADER, Regency Place, Blackfriars Road, earriage-wheel-manufacturers.
,ic.TEULON, SAMUEL, Greenwich, auctioneer, June 19. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.
WAREING, WILLIAM, Hollowell, baker.
• ANDERSON, W/LLTAM MILLER, Foley Place, Marylebone, surgeon, to surrender July 5, August 7: solicitor, Mr. Walthew, Norfolk Street, Strand, official assignee, Mr. Lowe, Lothbury. • CRartriros, Thomas, Wititeehapel. linen-draper, July 7, August 7: solicitor, Mr. Tur- ner. Basing Lane, Bread Street ; official assignee. Mr. Groom; Abchurch Lane. Comota, Itientate. Warminster, victualler. July 6.7. August 7: solicitors, Messrs. G. and W. Helder, Clement's Inn ; and Messrs. Goodman and Griffiths, Warminster. DeNsnoss THOMAS, Worcester, confectioner, July 6, August 7: solicitors, Mr. Bedford, Gray's Inn Square; and Mr. Bedford, Worcester. EDMUNDSON, Imre, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer, July 12, 13, August : solici- tors. Messrs. Walmesley and Co. Chancery Lane ; and Messrs. Lansdale and Thomas, Manchester. EDRIDGE, WILLIAM BALDOCK, Long Acre, coach-maker. July 16. Arrenst 7: solicitor, Mr. Robins, Bernard Street, Russell Square ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Token- house Yard. Frrex, JOSHUA, Halsted. auctioneer. July 5. August 7: solicitors, Messrs. Burleigh and Erratt, Haverhill ; awl Messrs. Wigler.worth and Itidsdale, Gray's inn Square : official assignee, Mr. Graham. Copthall Oxen, Ilismv, Liverpoolsjoiner, July 7. August 7: solicitors, Mr. Robinson, Liver- pool; and Messrs. Blackstock and Bunco, Temple. HORNBY, JAMES, Liverpool, corn-merchant, July 7, August 7: solicitors, Mr. Mawds- ley, Liverpool; and Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row. LAWS, Tiromas, Chancery Lane, victualler, July 7, August 7: solicitor, Mr. Wil- lougLby, Clifford's Inn ; official assignee. Mr. Green, King's Arms Yard. NEWTON, HENRY THOMAS, Derby, liquor-merchant. July 2, August 7: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Moss and Le Hunt, Derby. PETTET, ALFRED, Norwich, music-seller, July 9, August 7: solicitors, Mr. Austin, Field Court, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Staff, Norwich. ROGERS, HENRY, Oxford Street, jeweller, July 2, August 7: solicitor, Mr.Whitehouse, Castle Street. Holborn. Itomcess, WILLIAM HENRY, aud SMITH, Trioress, Shorediteh, plumbers. July 7, Au- gust 7: soliciter, Mr., Overton, Shoreditch; official assiguee, Mr. Clark, St. Swill:iris Lane.
Samnoirss, JOSEPH, Ulverston. cattle-dealer, July 14. August 7: solicitors, Mr. Tyson, Ulverston ; and Mesrs. Walmesley and Co. Chancery Lane. WOYTTEMORE, WILLIAM. Brighthelmstone, bookseller, July 4, August 7 Csolicitor, Mr. Thompson, St. Mildred's Court, Poultry.
July 19, Binekes, Great Newport Street, Long Acre, leather-eutter-July 17, Andrew, Nottingham, money-scrivener-July 24, Sansom, Oxford Street. straw-hat-manufacturer -July 20, Bevan and Yates, Bristol, merchants-July 18, Griffith,, Wrexham, draper -July 18, Aleock, Birmingham, hat-manufacturer-July 17. Bicknell, Stratford-upon- Avon, corn-dealer-July 18, Insole and Biddle, Cardiff, brick-makers.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore July 17. Morgan, Shipston-upon-Stour. linen-draper-Francis, Liverpool, builder-Brice, Bristol. cabinet-maker-Gilling, Stoke Lane. Somersetsbire, paper-maker-Walker, Rochdale. corn-miller-tlarris, Tottenham Court Road. chemist-ilarvey and Griee, Holloway. builders-Nicholsou. Bradford, serivener-Ginevar, Arundel Street, Penton Square, tailor.
COCKBURN. Roemer, Edinburgh, dealer in china, June 29, July 13. STIRLING, RottERT, Edinburgh, bay-dealer, June 28, July 18.
Friday, 29th June.
RrNa and LEADBITTER, Little Union Street, Borough, Windsor chair-makers-60ml) and RIECKHOEFER jun. White-chapel, brewers-Moons: and Co. Bahia, deniers; as far as regards S. T. Dreicisrsox-LUMLEY and LASBURY. Chancery Lane. booksellers- Trams and MALLORY. Warwick, saucers-S. and S. L. Horarns, Leighton, Cheshire, schoolmistresses-Bnowsr and Loma. Sheffield, merchants-Hawsey and MARTIN, Birmingham, druggists-Hiss and BRADY, FeIlellIlrell Street, boot-makers-Jasensr and CAREY, St. Albans Court, Wood Street, warehousemen-Juries and BLAND. Great Marylebone Street, attorneys--T. W. and J. T. BARKER, G racechurch Street, dealers- HILLMAN and KiNGeox, Colyton, Devonshire, attorneys-J. and J. B. READ,11111. Wor- cester, wine-merchants-E. and R. .T.sexsoN, Regent Street, milliners-liouToN and PETERS, Spurr Inn Yard, Southwark, reerchants-STEeness and FURNESS. Hatton Garden. jewellers-IRELAND and WHITECHUnCH, St. Martin's Court, woollen-drapers- WOODLEY and WILLOUGHBY, Swan Street, Dover Road, dealers in beech, Sm.
SANDY, ROBERT, Petworth, Sussex, grocer, June 28.
DEVEY, JOSEPIL Bishopswearmouth, shipowner, to surrender July 18, August 10: solicitors, Mr. Brown, Bishopswearmouth; and Mr. Moss, Ironmonger Lane. EVANS, Fiume, Pouty Poole, Monne sithshire. grocer, July 11, August 10: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co. Red Lion Square; and Mr. Franklyn, Bristol. Ixortau, CHARLES, Salisbury, currier, July 7, August 10: solicitor, Mr. Kitchener, Lothbury. POMEROY, THOMAS, St. Sidwell, Exeter. hi-ewer, July 10, August 10: solicitors, Messrs. Horton and Son. Furnival's Inn; and Messrs. Gear and Mountford, Exeter.
SWAIN, JOHN. Manchester, woollen-draper. July 28,24. August 10: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Leaf, Manchester. VENABLES, THOMAS ARUNDEL, Birmingham, grocer, July 11,12, August 10: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Richards, Birmingham; and Messrs. Norton and Chaplin, Gray's Inn Square.
July 20, Jackson, Maidstone, jeweller-July 21, Keyte, Minories, oil and culourman- July 21, 13ott, Hart Street, Covent Garden. farrier-July 23, Mosley. Tower Street, vie- tnaller-July 25. Duckett and Co., Pall Mall, hankers -July 26: Masser. Gwynne's Buildings, City Read, merchant-July 26. Boast. Trinity Square, Southwark, apothecary -July 26, Hiron, Banbury. Oxfordshire, grocer-July 24, Freeman, Bristol. silk-mercer -July 23. Jackson, Tooley Street, Southwark, oil and colourman-July 23, White, Rat. cliff Highway. bookseller-July 24, Palmer, Wood Street. Cheapside, silk-Manufacturer -July 23, Fisher jun., Bristol. sail-maker-July '21, Akers, Birmingham, victualler- July 9. Meeks and Gunnery. Warwick, upholsterers-August /7, w.ilks, Birmingham, linen-draper.
. CERTIFICATES Te be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July 20. Kay, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, money-scrivener-Young.Downham Market, Nor. folk. common brewer-Cross. Bristol, provision-merchant-Jackson, Ohl George Street, Southwark, fruit salesman-Bully. Percy Street. Tottenham Court Road, sculptor- Todd sew and Toddjun., Birmingham, factors-Langley. Tottenham Street,Tottenharn Coast Road, druggist-Bawden, Chard, Somersetslure, merchant-Ellison, Knaresbo- rbugh, Yorkshire, flax. spinner-Routledge, Manchester, stone-mason.