Tiebittrg Anti Pructairigd In Parliament.
1. hunt REFORM Btu. On the committal of this bill on Monday, Mr. STANLEY announced a very important amendment which Ministers meant to introduce in the county qualification......
The Nuptial Ceremonies Of King Leopold Will, It Is Said,
be performed at Compiegne on the 20th July ; the Princess Louts s brings with her a dower of 17,000,000 francs [680,000/.] M. C. LE HoN, Belgian Ambassador at Paris, will act as......
There Is A Rumour That The King Of Holland Is
about to lay aside the kingly dignity, and take the title of Stateholder, by which his ancestors so long governed Holland. The title of King, it is well known, was assumed by......
Lord Durham Will Proceed Immediately To St. Petersburg, An A
special mission. We repose high and not undeserved con- fidence in his Lordship's talents and integrity. We are sure that he will not fail in the object of his mission from want......
Russia And Austria, Together With Several Of The Small...
of Germany, have, it is said, entered into a treaty offensive and de- fensive against the encroachments of popular power and of the press. This seems not unlikely. WIRTH and......
It Appears That The Spirit Of The Poles Is Not
considered even yet as sufficiently subdued; if we may judge from the continued op- pressions of their barbarous conquerors. The latest letters from Warsaw mention the......
There Nee Been Several More Trials Of Real Or Presumed
con- spirators at Paris. TIELMANS, a pretended Colonel, was, on Thurs- There Nee been several more trials of real or presumed con- spirators at Paris. TIELMANS, a pretended......
A Royal Decree, Dated Windsor Castle, 11th May, Declares...
his Majesty, as King of Hanover, has a right to make laws for the regulation of that kingdom, independent of the sanction of the States: it claims the exclusive direction of the......