A royal decree, dated Windsor Castle, 11th May, declares that
his Majesty, as King of Hanover, has a right to make laws for the regulation of that kingdom, independent of the sanction of the States: it claims the exclusive direction of the re- venue of the domains and of the regalia; and the right to con- tract loans to the amount of 1,000,000 German dollars. The Elates are to be composed of two Chambers; and their proceed- ings are to be published after the discussions on the fundamental law are over. Many of the offices of the State are to be accessible to the nobility only ; and nearly all officers—and about one man in every twenty-five is a public officer—will be subject to removal by Government. The people of Hanover complain that their hopes of a better constitution are crushed. The decree, which is in effect Baron ONIPTEDA'S, was issued, it may be seen, at a time when the King had no responsible English Minister. The Duke of CAMBRIDGE is generally acquitted of all wish to tyrannize over the people, but his Duchess is not so fortunate.