The Fourth Part Of The Landscape Illustrations Of Byron,...
tains a great variety of subjects ; all of which, both as regards the talents of the artists and the skill of the engravers, Messrs. FINDEN, are of the highest order of......
The Arts.
LOUGH'S STATUES. Tuts young artist, whose Milo, almost the first production he ex- hibited, stamped him at once a genius, and placed him in the first rank of modem sculptors,......
Illustrated Publications.
The publication of another volume of the Waverley Novels, awakens with a painful feeling the interest which we felt on their first appear- ance. The mighty mind which teemed......
The New Edition Of Byron's Works.
THE following verses form the conclusion of a poem written by BrnoN in his youth (in 1807), at a time when, for some reason or other, he was anticipating an early death. They......