The nuptial ceremonies of King LEOPOLD will, it is said,
be performed at Compiegne on the 20th July ; the Princess Louts s brings with her a dower of 17,000,000 francs [680,000/.] M. C. LE HoN, Belgian Ambassador at Paris, will act as LEOPOLD'S re- presentative.
It is now stated that the citadel of Antwerp will be evacuated by the Dutch troops on the 20th. The Belgian Chamber has in the mean time determined to provide the means of enforcing it. A levy of 30,000 men, in addition to the 100,000 already embodied, has been agreed to. The Chamber has, at the same time, been occupying itself in labours the success of which requires not the Concurrence of an enemy. On the 19th instant, it gave leave to bring in a bill for the abolition of capital punishments, of trans- portation, of branding and mutilation. The proposed substitute is bard labour for life, or for periods longer or shorter.