THE zeal with which the preservation of," the Chapel of our Ladye" has been advocated, is worthy of a nation of Catholics ;• and the celebrity of this of Southwark rivals the fame of her ambulatoty Sister of Loretto. The cause of:" hoar antiquity'? is now pleaded by youth and beauty. A cointnittee of Ladies have got up a Fancy Fair, which is to be held at the Surry Zoological Gardens, on Wednesday
and Thursday next, in aid of the funds already colletted for the re-. storation of this curious relic of antiouity ; whose intelior is mita* a most beautiful specimen of Gothic architecture. These Gardens are admirably. well adapted for the purpose ; in- deed, their capabilities are worthy of the descriptive pen of George Robins himself; who should have been engaged to draw up the advertisement. Yet not even his eloquence could have such effea as the smiles and blandishments of the ladies who are to preside at the various stalls ; which, though not so richly decorated as those of n cathedral, will attract more worshippers than it range of them filled by portly prebends. The brilliant plumage of the parrakeets and golden pheasants will be eclipsed by the summer attire of the Mir dames ; whose bouquets, real and artificial, will outvie the " pride of the parterre." It will be a contest between " Beauty and the Beasts*,* which can only terminate in the triumph of the Fair. The weather- promises to be propitious; and the harvest rill doubtless be propor- tionably productive. Should the clouds frown upon the day, however.. their smiles will be invoked for the same days in the week following.