The following statement respectiug Collins has appeared in the Morning
Papers. Collins seems to have told the truth, but not the whole truth. He is evidently a quarrelsome, brutal fellow. The grand error Committed in regard to him, was his readmission to Greenwich after his first expulsion. He ought to have got his out-pension and no more.
" This man appears to have served only two years and eight months in the Navy, when be met with an accident in stowing the booms on hoard his Majesty's ship Ata- lanta, which rendered amputation of the left leg necessary. Ile was invalided on it pension of 101.; and on the 1st of February 1800, receiyet1 as in-pensioner of Greenwich Hospital, where he continued four years. and was then discharged to the out-pension. From his own account, it appears that he at this time went to I lalifax, where he was received into the Kings service, and obtained a cook's warrant, which he soon after lost for misconduct; and in 1810 he was again admitted into Greenwich Hospital. His conduct at this time was se bad, that after repeated trials and petty punishments, be was expelled on the Ilth May 1811. for disorderly and disgraceful belt:tyrant; bid he shortly after succeeded in getting restored to his out-pension, and once more obtained a cook's warrant, which he afterwards forffiited by striking an officer in one of the Dock-yards. After repeated petitions, he was, on the 3ffilt August 1817, admitted for a third time into Greccwielt !hospital, and appears to have been mere quiet ; for, without tracing him in tic. Minutes of Conned, he was dischar,:cd at his own request to the out pension on the 18th of June 1819. On the 7th July ld. he was admitted in-pensioner for the fourth time; and on the 4th May followinA. , suspended ffir one year, in consequence of riotous and disgracetul conduct ; and at the expitation of that period he failed to return, and was made run, by which his out-pension became forfeited. lie again petitioned, and again some...sled in obtaining his out-pension ; and on the 5th :Tune 1830, was readmitted for the lin time into Greenwich Hospital ; a degree of in- dulgence and forbearance almost unprecedented. after the flagrant misconduet which stands recorded against him. Ilk violent propensities were ie,t, however. yet con- quered; and Mier several repetitions of riotous conduct, he was neatly expelled on the 16th December last, for creating a disturbance in his Ward, advising the Ward-keeper to disobey the orders, and ffir using t.iolent and improper languagt:. Ile was born at Kilgarrow, near Cork ; and appears by the register to be now lifty-six years of age."