THIS is the third volume of a work, the two first of which, pub- lished some years ago, excited general attention, by the raciness of their humour and the extravagance of their stories. The name of Sir 3 o XAH for a time passed current as synonymous with Bouncer; and we see that the fact is well known to him, for divers are the sore allus:ons be makes to it. He only allows that he embellishes a little. This is true ; but the embellishment is quite in the Irish style. Well, there are worse books to read than the Travels of Baron Mun:.hausen and we were among the number of those who were mightily entertained with the ingenious bounces of the Ex-Admiralty Judge. The work had the more solid merit of illustrating, in the most lively manner possible, the manners and morals of Ireland "sixty years ago.' Sir JONAH BARRING- TON is, we suppose, pretty nearly an octogenarian; and has lived through the times when a nation of half-civilized, high-spirited savages, were ruled over by the most cold-blooded and corrupt tyranny that ever disgraced the name of government. The character of the factions of Ireland, and of the people, na- turally led to the exhibition of human nature under one of its strangest phases. Sir JONAH BARRINGTON portrayed its effects on individuals to the life.
The Third Volume is very inferior to the former portions of the work, of which it is the lees: nevertheless, it carries on the his- tory, and should be read. We cannot now give any specimens, but it is possible that next week we may give a few.