be Country.
The dock. dues received in the port of Liverpool during the present year are considerably less than those received last. The receipts uc to the 24th of June 1831, were 200,1721. 13s. 4d.whilst the receipts 'up to the same period this year have been only 186,415/. 9s. 9d. We may mention, however, that the amount received last year was 33,000. higher than that received in any previous year ; so that, though there is a falling off of 13,7571. 3s. 7d. in the present year' when compared with the last, there is an increase of nearly 20,000/, when compared with. the previous one..—Liserpool Albion.
A rector, who has a living amounting to about 1,600/. a-year, is re- ported to have said the other day, at a meeting. of trustees at Studley, that no good would be done in the country till the fellow Attwood, • and twenty thousand of the Birmingham vagabonds, were hanged:—. Birmingham Journal.
In the blanket, flannel, and low woollen manufactures, which were- excessively depressed at the beginning of the year, there is a con- siderable revival. The worsted stuff trade is also in a better state. The project of the new American tariff has- given great pleasure at Roch- dale, and in all the markets for blankets, flannels' &c. If the ditty . should be reduced to 30 per cent., as is now proposed, a moss important relief will be afforded to the English manufacturer74-Leterasy.--
Mr. Fairies, the magistrate of South Shields, who was so barbarously attacked by two pitmen on Monday the 11th instant, is dead. He ex- pired, in consequence of the severe fracture in his skull, at a late hour on Thursday- night. One of the ruffians who attacked Mr. Fairies is yet at large, but his 'capture is daily expected. A reward of 400/. has been offered for his apprehension and conviction, and it is not probable he will long escape detection.
An inquest was held on Thursday, at the Three Tuns, Atherstone, on the body of Charles Mills, a workhouse pauper, aged seventy-two. It appeared that Mills had dined at the workhouse on Tuesday, and that an altercation afterwards arose between him and another pauper, named Thompson.. Thompson at length drew a knife, and threatened to cut
Mills's throat. He then gave the poor old man a tremendous blow on the temple with his fist, which rendered him senseless. After lingering till evening, ke expired. ' The 'Jury broil-gin in a verdict of- "-Wilful murder" against Thompson. The culprit, whose age is forty, has been committed.—Nottirigham _Review.
The other.' day, a soldier of- the 33d Regiment, at Forton Barracks, cut his throat and died immediately ; -andi. on the-same day, a soldiet of
the 14th Regiment blew his hand off in the -Cambridge Barracks, with his musket, on the .open parade. The men had recourse to these desperate measures merely to avoid drill punishment.—Hampshire Telegraph.
A fire broke out last week at North Taunton, by which between twenty and thirty houses have been burnt to the ground, and forty poor families deprived of a home. So rapid was the progress of the -fire, that few were enabled to save even a bed from the destructive fury of the element. Happily, no lives were lost.— Western Luminary.