Illustrated Interviews. By Harry How. (George Newnes.)— These seventeen interviews
are reprinted from the Strand Magazine. The principle of interviewing being accepted—and it seems hopeless to protest against it—they are good papers of the kind, pleasantly and intelligently written, and giving as little offence to good taste as anything so personal could well do. They are amply illustrated, and the illustrations are a really valuable addition to the letterpress. The distinguished persons who con- sented to sit for these pen-and-pencil portraits of themselves are— Mr. W. S. Gilbert, Cardinal Manning, Sir F. Leighton, Mr. H. Rider Haggard, Madame Albani, Mr. F. C. Burnand, Mr. Henry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, Professor Blackie, Lord Wolseley, Mr. G. A. Sala, the late Sir M. Mackenzie, the Rev. J. E. C. Weldon, Mr. Harry Stacy Marks, M.A., the Bishop of Ripon, Dr. W. H. Russell, and Mr. Harry Furniss.