30 JUNE 1894, page 40

Arts And Crafts Essays. With A Preface By William Morris.

(Rivington, Percival, and Co.)—These essays are republished from the catalogues of the exhibitions of the Arts and Crafts Society. Many of them, the work of men engaged in the......

We Have Received Yet Two More Manuals Of A Subject

which is evidently of a most complicated kind,—the Local Government Act. As time goes on, the volumes become bigger and bigger, the theme evidently opening up new prospects the......

Our Ain Folk. By James Inglis. (d. Douglas, Edinburgh.)— The

sub-title of this volume is " Memories of Manse Life in the Mearns, and a Crack shoot Auld Time." Mr. Inglis's father was minister of the parish when the Disruption took place.......

Tools For Teachers. Compiled And Arranged By William...

Stock.)—This is not a book that we can review. It will be enough to describe it by its sub-title, " A Collection of Anecdotes, Illustrations, Legends, &c., for Teachers of......

The Tiger - Lily. By G. Manville Fenn. 2 Vols. (chatto And

Windus.)—We cannot congratulate Mr. Fenn on this effort. It is not in the manner to which we are accustomed from him, and the change is not by any means to our liking. Armstrong......

Rectorial Addresses Delivered At St. Andrews. Edited,...

William Knight. (A. and C. Black.)—Professor Knight's Introduction is not the least interesting part of this volume. He gives in it the history of the office of Rector. The......

The Quickening Of Caliban. By J. Compton Rickett....

Co.)—This "Modern Story of Evolution," as the author describes it, is a really remarkable study of life. Christina Ruefold, daughter of an English missionary and a half-caste......

Janet Detille. By E. N. Leigh Fry. 2 Vols. (hurst

and Blacl - ett.)—This is a well-written story, constructed on the well- known lines of cross-purposes.. Janet Delille has made a great mi-t-le in her marriage, havipg fallen in......

Methods Of Practical Hygiene. By Professor K. B. Lehmann....

by W. Crookes, F.R.S. 2 vols. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— This is a quite admirable book. It is true that there is a certain difference between the condition of things in......