Sir William Harcourt, In Reply, Declared That The...
to Speaker Onslow had been corrected, and that in reality he had declared that " until the King by writ of sum- mons called a man up to the House of Peers, that man could not......
On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain Called The Attention Of The...
to a question of privilege. Last Tuesday the motion for the issue of a new writ for the election of a Member to serve for the Attercliffe Division was moved on the ground that......
We Can Hardly Suppose That Russia And England Will Permit
a war between China and Japan; but the chance of one is coming very close. The Government of Corea has been -oppressing its Japanese settlers, and the Japanese, who have a right......
The Great Intercolonial Conference Was Opened At Ottawa...
the Governor-General of Canada taking the chair. The Conference, before beginning business, carried a warm address to the Queen, in which her Majesty is assured that those......
A Curious Correspondence Has Taken Place Between Lord...
the Secretary of the National Anti-Gambling League, on the subject of Lord Rosebery's interest in horse- racing, Lord Rosebery explaining in a rather displeased tone that ali he......
The Budget May Be Said To Have Got Through. Except
the lawyers' amendments there is nothing more to fight about, for the resistance to the Liquor-duties fizzled, as it was certain to -do. On Tuesday, Colonel Lockwood moved an......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday, 101t.......
The Boers And The British In The Transvaal Have Nearly
come into collision. The Government of Pretoria is at war with some native chiefs, and in its usual way has summoned citizens below a certain age to do military service. The......