The Capture of the ' Estrella.' By Commander Claud Harding,
R.N. (Cassell and Co.)—This is a vigorous and exciting " tale of the slave trade." Commander Harding's style is somewhat up:- finished, but it is sufficient for its purpose, which is to give a brisk and even exciting narrative of adventures on African rivers and amidst African jungles. There is a notable heroine in the person of Sennaia, otherwise Miss Selina Sentrouse, who is not without a certain family resemblance to Ayoca,nora ; and a very creditable hero in Mr. Robert Hardy, who displays an amazing amount of presence of mind and readiness of resource. Lord Tom, the Krooman giant, is a fine fellow, and is not inappropriately rewarded with the heart and hand of Queen Rampolani. Alto- gether this a fresh and racy story.