Two volumes, which are likely to be much in request
during the next few months, may be mentioned together. These are, Parish Councils : a Handbook to the Local Government Act, 1894, by Portland B. Akerman and Percy H. Ford (Routledge and Sons), and Ward, Lock, and Bowden's Practical Guide to the Parish Councils Act, by A. H. Graham, M.A., and Spencer Brodhurst, M.A..—The two are constructed on somewhat different principles. The first, after a brief introduction, gives the text of the Act, illus- trated with notes, references to other Acts (a most needful thing), &c. ; the second reviews the whole subject in a copious introduc- tim, and then gives the text of the Act, with such notes as may be necessary. We do not care to indicate a preference between the two. So complicated is the subject that a careful reading of both would probably be not too much.