The Times published on Monday a very curious account, based
on documentary evidence, of the organisation through which the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee works. The central body divides the province into districts, in each of which a small armed band is raised, bound to execute the decrees of the local committee, even when those decrees involve assassination. Desertion in the field, treachery, and bribe-taking are to be punished with death, and while the villagers are to be kindly treated and incited to prepare for revolt, obnoxious persons may be removed by "execution," which also may be inflicted, we believe, though this is not in the papers found, upon wealthy Macedonians who will not subscribe for the liberation of their country. The entire province, it is said, is honeycombed with these committees, which have now attracted the attention of the Great Powers, and drawn a fierce remonstrance from Constantinople. The means adopted are, of course, utterly anarchical, but what must be the depth of their misery when a white population tolerates them for four years as affording at least a hope ?