30 MARCH 1901, page 21

Novels Of The Week.*

By far the most striking and brilliant novel on our list this week is that entitled The Heritage of Unrest, by an American lady named Gwendolen Overton. The theme she has chosen......

Essays On Consumption; Essays On Consumption. By J. E....

M.D. (The Sanitary Publishing Company. 10s. 6d.)—Sir W. Broadbent assures us in the introduction that Dr. Squire has a right to be heard, as from his position as physician to a......

Pressed A Great Deal Of Scholarly And Illuminative...

the compass of less than sixty pages. In the first lecture on " Passion and Imagination in Poetry," taking Milton's "inspired parenthesis" as his aooeieh, Mr. Beeching gives a......

Current Literature.

THE ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW. The new number of the Angto-Sazon is quite up to the high level of its predecessors. Its editor (Mrs. Cornwallis-West) con- trives to give the stamp of......

• Songs And Song-writers.

In Songs and Song-Writers (John Murray, 59. net) Mr. Henry T. Finck, the able musical critic of the New York Evening Post, has given us a readable and suggestive volume, -......