30 MARCH 1901, page 3

We Cannot Say That We Find In Lord Lansdowne's Speech

any proof that the Government have adopted a clear or satisfactory policy, either as regards the whole Chinese ques- tion or as regards the special Russian problem. It appears......

As To The Specific Agreement About Manchuria Which Russia...

now said to be negotiating with China he could give no definite information. But he would like to say that we are very far from taking an exaggerated view of our interests in......

On Tuesday Was Published Lord Lansdovrne's Despatch...

accept the amendments which the Senate made to the Hay- Pauncefote Convention. That Lord Lansdowne gets an easy logical and diplomatic victory over the Senate and the State......

In The House Of Lords On Thursday Lord Lansdowne Made

a most important statement in regard to China. After deal- ing with the diplomatic situation as between China and the Allies, and mentioning that it was not the desire of the......

A Public Meeting, Convened By The Lord Mayor, Was Held

on Tuesday at the Mansion House in furtherance of the National Memorial to Queen Victoria. In the absence through illness of Lord Salisbury, Mr. Balfour, who moved the first......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday The Peace Negotia-

tions formed the subject of debate. The only point of real importance raised was the question of how far after the war was over the Boer farmers should be given pecuniary help......

The Libel Action 'brought By Mr. Arthur Chamberlain...

Morning Leader and the Star ended on Tuesday in a verdict of £200 damages for the plaintiff, the trial having lasted four days. We have dealt with the whole subject elsewhere,......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On

Friday Mit......