'nip Jan Fdklarr, meit ell ;O. St. I lelena front the Cape, report= the loss of the Para gnu, from the Mauritius, u.i Green Paint, going into Table Itay---e,eiv and pas.engerE saved.
Airived—At (;ravesenil. !lay FG It, Isabella, Sexton. from 13011110;y; and Onyx. Ilnown, front Mauritms; t.7411. Pitizat 11111. 11. ate; and Malabar, Dunlop. 11011 MI1111i. lies. (Ill' Nvex mouth. 27111, Eleanor Ittu,tell, Worth, front ditto. till the twi_1c.:Bth, Trin, 'triton. Coosel, loon -Madras. At Lhvcpnul.27th, 1sa1Iuor.10-ter,tr..ra ; ;Rol Intot.ten, . Rom Bengal. In the 1.71 tie. 23,1. Clierieseti, Ke lar, toll ditto At St. 11e/cwt..% 1;2111, l 101111 1iitug, I1y O.,. m Nth, liottkileitt11, Wepheas. tritm Bombay ; 17111. Stahl= Castle. Peaie. Float imutitisler, Ilaieteatte. Irmo itetmal ; Itrrald. Walt, trt ttl l'e■ Ion; Sao Dumfries Thompson. from Slue:clam.; 10.11. John faistrir, Irani the CAI., ; anal Ilarkinger. Iv, m Ch71111• 'rho Ann, (hall's; mid ilhennts Colts, Warnet .1rom China.have been si en voing into the Cape. Sai'v(1-- From Li% ella.,01, May 6th, Pattiot Queen, lloodless; and 27111, Grenada. *Miner, front Bengal,
SPOr'10.5r 11101INING.
Arrived—At Deal, Marquis of Dustings, Navlor, from Singapore. At Mr:smooth,
liardoster, it me, Iron; New South Woo's. Ott' Atit1/, 111, aim, from the (;ape. At USIA 1 tie', Stephens, front Bombs; ; :oat , from Vito Diemeirs Lunt. At St. Helena. salsette, IImnrismm ; and Strabane, Bolen, from ; AINtil, !Kaolin.% nom Itett,,al.