The Imogene, Just Arrived At Liverpool From Calcutta,...
vessel - which left China on the 20111 of January. Several British ships were completing their emirgees by the help of Americans. In a St. Helena shipping-list, received......
The Following Extract Of A Letter From Lower Canada Deserves
atten- tion, being wiitten by one who possesses the best means of knowing the state of t ublie feeling in both Provinces- " I have not time to-ni g ht to write another letter on......
The Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities Nod...
the Bank of England from the 8d of March to the 20th of May— el a JIMMIES. Circulation ,:11 i1,?17,000 ASSETS. Securities £22,556,000 Deposits 7,220,000 Bullion 4,380,000......
East India Shipping
'nip Jan Fdklarr, meit ell ;O. St. I lelena front the Cape, report= the loss of the Para gnu, from the Mauritius, u.i Green Paint, g oin g into Table Itay---e , eiv and......
Money Market.
1: , ^0 Nor f't.m=v Arrimitoosi. The market wax rather Lcsve at the cortmencument of the week. The settlement of the Consul .1ccount, which took place on Tuesday, by compel-......
Tile "deposit" Con1'rovei1s1'.
TO TILE EDITOR 01' THE SPECTATOR. Knight,hridee. 21=1 Mal. 1840. Sin—Your paper of Saturday last contains on article signed tI i■ (style its," ou the nature of bank-tit posits......
The Caftan.! 1 . 01on Bill Sans The Prirmipal Eudject Of...
iu the Ileuse 01 Commons last night. Lord Jona Itraatom having moved the h:ease to go into Committee on the bill, The Caftan.! 1 . 01on Bill sans the prirmipal eudject of......