Philharmonic Concerts.
1'8R col cert of Monday night was, altogether, the best of the season. E ve n! piece was good of its kind—a favourable specimen of its author's „ w as; aud all, with two......
Stbphen Dug Aro.
THIS is a powerful novel, by a person of very considerable thought and ability. Allowing tbr the necessities of romantic fiction, and the character of the age in which the scene......
Fanny Osier Was To Commence Her Engagement At The Park
Theatre, New York, on liaonday the i 1:11 May. People were literally mad to see her, and all the boxes were engaged for several nights. A statue of Minerva, of exquisite Grecian......
Spectator's Library.
Stephen Hoaard; a Novel. By the Author of '• The FIVO Nights or St. Alhan's,'' " Manila Sze. la 3 eels Bentley. VOVAOVS AND T11AV11.8, 111il11111111' DiSeDW•11 and Christian......