30 MAY 1840, Page 15


1'8R col cert of Monday night was, altogether, the best of the season. Even! piece was good of its kind—a favourable specimen of its author's „was; aud all, with two inconsiderable exeep ions, were of the highest 4der el excellence. But the great event of the evening was the reap- Cita )1 vst in the orchestra. Once again we have seen pears:lee or Jdo N him se:ted at the piatel in the scene of his former triumphs ; once more se twee heard his ina:je touch, and the genius and grace enshrined in his triad once more nisplayed in a public performance. laszT had been eineeeql to play! at the Queen (many thanks to her t) commanded his attend:meet at the Palace ; and his place was supplied by CRAMMER, who al iivcd in Loudon, fur a short stay, about a fortnight since. The piecet+hith he selected for pertbrmanee was one of I■10ZART'S Piano- forte Qiairtets in E flat ; his coadjutors being his brother and his old friends 111onata! aml Lis PLEY. CRAMER' S visit could net have been more opportune. \ hilo pianoforte-playing seems likely to degenerate into a mere display of the marvellous, and surprise thus to displace true enjoyment. Cit.tmEtt has recalled us to our senses and directed his to sire s to the tree aim of the performer. Nothing could be more stron,..!_ly contrasted than the spirit with which laszT and CRAMER en- gaged in the sonic duly at two successive concerts. Each had to deal with a composition of uckuowl.alged eminence ; one appeared as the repre„.ntatis e r.1 WEIEEtt, the other of 11IozAwr ; and the duty of each performer, has ing made his selection, was to display not himself but his author. ',Ism.. took the very opposite course ; changing the original time, the passages, the style of the composition he undertook to play. Now, whatever that gemleman's powers of finger may be, we venture tohint that they are nut to be exhibited at the expense of such a com- poser as W emit ; in reference to whom, and in that character, Mr. Lairr must he content to stand at an humble distance. Let him "do vista he will with his own," but a composition so perfect as the Concert steel, of Wentat is to lie approached with respect, and executed with a titan and filithfirl attention to its author's design. Caamna's per- forma:lee, on the cebtrary, was a perfect and finished exhibition of the genius of .).1o/..sier. kis try thought of self seemed to he absorbed in the endeavour to no aulplish this purpose ; whatever was added par- took of the ci at at i. r o!' the original ; and v. ith such correct taste was this accomplished, th.d it would have been difficult for any one not in- timntely acquainted a:1th the composition to have detected where Mo- Sala ended and w licre ()IA:al:it began. 'rids, doubtless, arises in part from a coneniality it in the two men—from an intuitive percep- tion of the beantifid which CR .1 M ER shares with MOZA1tT ; but it springs also from the feeling of reverence towards a perfect work of art of which he has undertaken to be the exhibitor, and which utterly forbids any attempt to alter, or in other words, to lower its character. It will he inferred from what we have said, that CRAMER still retains the power as well as the will thus to be the expositor of Mozater. His touch did not appear to have lost any of its magic power, nor the elasti- city of his finger to he weakened. 11e is still, in the highest attribute of his art as a pianoforte-player' unrivalled others may astound us, others in various ways may delight us, but JOHN CRAMER speaks em- phatically to the heart. Ins appearance was welcomed with enthusiasm, sad his performance heart with fresh delight.

Let ns now proceed to the other chutses of the bill. rcrnovEN.

sittfhoi M.irri n Aria, Maihm ,N, 11.1110," W111 Mit 101114 OD:12AL, 7,1 r. W mi.' n'.', triYiit'ii,1 fit.:) Moie.A RT. Q„„,,„1„, vi„ hi, and

Cs a Mt. MIA] SIN. and Morena.

Aria, Sigma. "A ri-pettarmi ;IN reml,t,"

(.1/4,4 ilt#) .

(helium. i,. D A. Bomar:no.

A‘'T 11.

S11111111:1 is Ii. MOZART.

M , :tow ALL *.x, Vera thin" C. M. vox Wuntn.

VI, It 1t)it,C.'11D, Mes,ir. 111,A•toVE, 1.,10q1. :111.1 al.i.rr IlErruovEN. Dueito, II,, non, 1' In snow Att..wv :lila Signor TAainnual,

"U.Cal Ir,1■671



lel ivy, I -Conawlor. MosNISLEs.

B(:ETHOVEN'S Sin I', n:ias receive more ample justice from the band under the conduct of Mosentaxs thins when they chance to lie emit- mittc4 to the directiaa of any other conductor. lie has, probably, sloth!! I them more pr/eltuudly, and under more advantageous circum- stances, than any of his fratensity. We never heard the Eroica more finely pl.!) ed. and the saute may be said of Smuts's Overture to As- sault', ult:elt has sometimes been waddled through by the same per- formers, Tie! trio in tile ,!econd act was exquisitely played throughout. Thanks te!eill to the Qui en, who had laid her royal commands on Mr. OLE BULL, 1.1111 CoMpol,ition was substitatul for his violin vagaries.