30 MAY 1840, Page 10


1:,^0 Nor f't.m=v Arrimitoosi. The market wax rather Lcsve at the cortmencument of the week. The settlement of the Consul .1ccount, which took place on Tuesday, by compel- ling the specidators to carry over tl,ir areouuts or sell their stock, operated to depress prices, lie emaintottietr, or premium paid for carrying over Stock to the July Account, was at one period as hieh as R per cent.; but in the course of the ,Lay declined to ?; per cent: The pressure upon the market it as olicv ii by a purchase of 2-1111!4x)/. fir Motley, made to close El large SpefIlltWell for 11.e Cal). lite price consequently improved, and from 92k, .se to 92.R ; clo-'1g rn Tuesday at 92?, T fOr Money, and 1,3A for the July Ac- count. rice rose a;..oin on 'Wednesday, when Consols Mr Money reached 93, while the quto ii iii tier Account was 93A. The mai ket evinced signs of feebleness in tie tense of yesterday, and to•dny has suffered a decline; the price fir 31er1 y 1,15i; g is busy 1,s aid for Account 93. 'f his decline rs attributtd to the di,..im.ii.ttnent experieliet 1 by the monied interest at the Bank Dill et ms not haelee reduced the rtde of interest. It was generally be- lieved that at the usual et eddy ineLting of thote gentle num, held ycsterday,the rate of diserunt would lc reduced to 41 per (Tot. ; Lot it w ill he Ken from the notice given Lt low, did the present rate of 3 per cent. will be cootinued.

" Brtok or ling and, 28111 M n

" The Govern, r and Company of Po. Mink ale t early, omit further Hoke, t,a leeeive application, t1 r lair, 111111 the ■.1 1 CI it d I:Nth:Loge not 11io Pig mare

than six no nibs to rum Elseht quer li•lis. and Ett:t India ; :melt loans to be re•

paid 00 I vitae July nest. oiih int, rest at the rate 01 5 per cent. per ate

nom, and to Le for somo Moot less tlotu 10.OUt. citric."

Exchequer Bills were dttile ul Is Upon this notice, and were yesterday at 24s. porn. The privy has IaLiid again to-day, and may he quilted at from 25s. to 27s. prom. Slomy has Lein more in demand, a lid has become (to use the American phrase mos at!, pted into our y uhtr) tight. In the Stock Exchange, the rate of int krest obtainable is from 4 to 5 per cent. upon loans On the security of English and the best Foreign Stocks, while upon the Non. dividend Stocks flout 6 to 12 per cent. has been readily given. In the Foreign Market, there has been but little doing in the Continental Stocks; which may generally be quoted within per cent, of our last prices. We have to notice a few bargains In Russian Five per Cents., between 1141 and 115 ; this stock being evidently in demand, and (puttee nominally this after- noon at 114?, to 1155-. An advertisement has been I. stiedby the Nlessra, LIZARD!, the agents to the Mexican Government, naticiil.. among other things, that the funds note ltt their hands will neennotlate tn. t i I Icy expected re- mittances they are sufficiently augmented to meet the paytnetit half-a-year's dividend upon the newly-converted Stork, when such Nods will he ;Tidied to the payment of the dividend due in April 1838, upon the New Five per Cents.; aid that ill future all remittances from Mexico will be solely applied to the payment of dividends upon the new Bonds. All descriptions of Mexican Stork have consequently been in demand ; but the greatest improvement has occurred in the New Five per Cents., which are at 34 4, while the Old Bonds ace only at 32 to A. Buenos Ayres Bonds have also improved, and ore quoted this nfternoon at 19 to 20. Columbian have been ts high as 29 ; but the market has flattemed, and this morning a large sale for Aloney was made n126, the dosing quotation is 26 to A. Portuguese Bonds have *ken without material variation. Spanish Active Stock lias declined, and was at one time to-day nearly I per cent. below 011,: last quotations : the market has been feeble (lurk% the whole week, and gave way yesterday to 2SL louder the operation of an unimportant stiletto. Money; this mornitig the opening was at 281, hut a speedy lull to '27?, took place in consequence of another sale of Money Stack; the price remained nearly the whole day 275 to 28, but rallied in the course of the afternoon, and closed at 28 to h for Money and 28 ton for the 15th June.

Sterviroay. Twri.vx o'Croelt. The usual monthly- statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has been published ; and it differs but slightly 11111)1 the one last put forth, exhibiting a decrease in the circulation to the extent of 14,00W. and iti the securities to the amount of 17'0,000/., while the dt posits have increased. 20,000/., and the amount of bullion has bran augmented by 70,000/. The de- pression of the Money-market, to which we yesterday alluded, continues to- day, and though the business transacted has not been extensive, our quotations are lower. There were buyers of' Consols for Account this morning, at 93A, bat a sale of Money Stock at 112.1, having occurred, the market has given way, and the privet is 92;- jj for Money, and 925- 93 fin. Account. Vt. hat are ILTImicall) termed the Heavy Sleeks are also lower: New Three -and'a-ltalf per Cents, which opened 101, having been thole 1008, and Reduced Three-and-a -half per Cents, having declined to 99. Bank Stock in, however, I per cent, higher than yesterday, being quoted at 177. Exchequer Bills arc also unchanged, via, 25s, to 27s. promium. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active Stock has given way :1; Per vent., and has fallen to 278 ft. Mexican Stock is higher, the Six per Cents. tieing 32i 4, and the New Five per Cents. 34. The other Foreign Funds are Without material variation ; as are the Railway Shares.

it per Cent. Consols

Ditto ror Account • 3 per Cent. Itedneed Zit per Cent. Ditto

New of per Cans.

Bulk Stock .

1.,xeltequer Bills ..... .......

Italia stuck Brazilian 5 per Cents 112i f 92* 3

9 1 i tlit'A 1005 in f.'5 27 pm. 253 501 1

Belgian 5 per Com.. Columbia:it; per Cents Danish 3 per Celli*, Dutch 2/- ter Cents 1N.rnignese Ili . e .. tuty Oyer Os Ditto 3 per Cents Mission 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 1031 265 791 801 5 if f, 351 i 2.41 S

1141 1151 *1- a