The following extract of a letter from Lower Canada deserves
atten- tion, being wiitten by one who possesses the best means of knowing the state of t ublie feeling in both Provinces-
" I have not time to-night to write another letter on politics, or I should indite a phii:ppie on the Lords (or rather on the Bishops) for their meddle- some:m.1:s in the case of the Reserve Bill, They will spoil every thing it' they undertake to force on Canada any decision on the Reserve question, less fa• vourable than the one before them to the claims of the great body of the com- munity. Let them tic up the Reserves to one or two Churches, and they will ere long have lost the Cannel:Is. Let them simply reject the bill, and the con- sequence may not perhaps be more serious than a continuation of agitation on the subject, resulting in n year or two in the confiscation of the Reserves for secular uses. Another offer from Canada, so fitvourable to the Established Church or Churches, they may rest assured they will never see."