The LeedN Intelligence). of Saturday last publishes the following letter,
written to a by Mr. Feargus O'Connor, containing particulars of Mr. O'Connor's treatment as a prisoner in York Cest le. " 'fez!: ('a-alt. 20th Mar 18 M.
night at almat 1,11 o I,;',,t -one• will : Is. mid' soil, new,.
them ewe eholoas, As I was a rota•ire, Noble, who. I twist say, nonlit have ill re
pleasure ia 1,•,;. stritigaat roles, allowed one of the turnkeys to in die my bed,
which , tate:1(.1;1;e 'him.; and !mai! once 'g'il'd woo swe
knocked in, op ra than tiny dung in tit:, ii•ortil; th lo' nly n 1111-1, 11:1 n, )),)
prefer hard straw to a reather•beal but t return. lily bed 0;1, irtm gratim.i w itto..o. sides; I had a it but lei win neat: I:hi:teas to pat (a cr lac ; no pillow, awl Win skies to the lied. The (to\ mlior ter, it 11,1.y ill re.l me mire kll,knsn hat I Lid my 511'11-coat. 1•Nras s:Itit up ill a dirk st)olio t)011, hill)
a very itarnwi iron 1h11'1. alal it small irtill.lrrottall in the daVli I knelt down. mid prated to trod that I might sleep soundly tor eier. I then stripped and laid me down. but iny prayers were list granted, as I ite,•er closed an eye. When I placed my
rheumatic tdaraltler against time' Wall, the cold blnlit'LI rite; and when I moved I was almu,t oat id' bell, for its width is not as broad as in. shoulders. 1 e.a.: ii,dacit ii,:le bed iei„,,e. :Ill „.......,,eh. „,..,,,.,,],,,, In ii,,, ,,,i,,, erne. prie„„, woe ,,e„„ 1,,,,,„,ed,„, if by ever, Font) lirtni;,•lit assistant's, trod the tlinteort: NS ilich lens 17:'(•11 (1011e is Olt' 11,...,1 r, I was ilas, aerompanieti by the Gin ovum anti st•veral turnkeys 1.11roligh eXelattrt,:gly I ri:li ii,..:f." 7111111I,01'10", 1,,,0,)0,1 aail Ilttat y iron tilers, WI I reached the 001111 evil For till :\ time brok.e out o:i TinirsIlay week ht tlw residence of ..%Ir. 'clihdle-,,--lieu,,,,,, oilaier,, retie,„ :net pot itie:il mreniters; in wla., treat 'n; itt ila disit„cti,,„ „1,;„,•,-,•,• i, 1,1„.1e. Willi II,' vYaalltiall !hart the Ian'''. are a1111"1"1 I" ''..II. thwalte, Southwick 0,u:se, l'ortsdo W11 Ilill, year l'ortsitaftillt ; which "Ilefors seven, a bell rung, when I ilressial ntvselr; tint' shortly :tier my door was ittiltstked; previously to v Wei, I bad, according to Ilia rides, folded illy thin mitt into a triple roll. mitt my bed clothes, newly folde.l. I placed . vet It. I than hallowed the tat tikey, earn log in my h.m ! a blast; 1114111 el'-tint. which I was to empty iu the sink in the yard, and then wash the tuen-it at the snip I was then placed ns a yard with two other prisoners, us Ito have been tried and sentenced. At eight I wan santintined to breakfast, ii•lint I pass...louder maty a li•10:1's a 11.))0ol, tt,att,•. In a Ion .1 Irmo stone, where every man stood top ill Cie prison in 1.111P, all in 1,11-on 115 self, and all nuens'ered. 1Vc, were then standilaz ai a narrow sh wi'r'e i.e ',ore each
man was placed a ',kirk mullion Ina and a woodeo spoon. with a loa oa.v good
in the put wins ,,,ter an ivas the lie s a 1. I looked.
WI bat dta loot. Ilart.to11111 loll toaell 11. Al 1,:11 11e \tett. SIIIIII11,110, I.) chapel, where,
with my two 3 ;oat companions. tithed It :,tool ,',1 11,1,11g11 the grating. Tier seri in, histed needy all hour; al el )1 :,),•:, 1 tta, 1.01:941 olio ill my yard, to ivhieli is ;washed a Ilay•rotan, trill, stone :a .1 opoo, tiii•I every Clint; very clean. Inn cottl. About els\ en o'clock tile isItiO4 [i.,1; nod, lsikr.tirst lime ill illy line, 1 fell whit, it i,,,1211 .u, 41 11e I isenpolled to explain Inv sal.eral maladies but ii I t•It ;;:i •. i,s• •1;• t, 114,1' 111) • L.1111,. Ill, lints one tot tilt most sag:1,ot'. and 1..1 •..;•.•" 1 .1 vanataliam•es I over stir, alai Of Ids feeling ytool 1111123 )11,1:40 ttlie i 1 IVA ■,.I1 110 ,..0,:nal lit die a beiott!, able II/ stil•stilute tea !Wr the weal nt:i I ‘,.o I r %Odell 1 iteelared 1 W.VA.!. , nal laincli Sir Illy alter, one II the ( Mr. I lague) visited me, and told 1110 Ile 11)11)011 I iion4t s 01:1Iit 11 in • pri.uu rules. 1 replied,
th.,t lint I had ■1011‘111(11011 )20.41/4)11 111 .1a.t I ['Oil pmt tt,eil it I tastat c.n11d nut tar ha, t Ilan I ,,as a LI, bent til. Ito then
astted tile it: I Ammo io, 1,0i114 ;limit) to h.r. I I etoilip.tliao.s. 1 I C0111160. S 110. At toc,te, wo srere Santa)) it •t1 I:t■1) I, I:01i itat•II o I I/at (lit' Santa
quantity or bruit as tit with • t It. • a a 1,.., la 'eh :II s in Weal,
111,t ,saild not manage the broth ; ,•11 I al. v, It. h , t ■••1 a I hal f:1,11114. N,n: for in heailh. I oviia• was so in a•". .1;•".: A tia.l. I . a. • ,', ::.r. i,a) i I 110111 11'2' 11" i" I Ill,' a •I • ' ;: l• A•al
li.t1 say )110 t a 4 01 Ilia ,tra:44.)1,4 a llt-t I.) ..1 0 11 1 ita.11.:,
111:4 xt•,y)slr,t111.; ii, wore 111,t1:' Ilr. Tli.all, • ,- III,' I.ondon faculty, ail I all .111t11' by Sin; nuril•, Mtr Is liar o Willa)) 11101, 1,0.11 iletoo,to.) 111.11 t,•1:11:1cola la to 'for/. Ca, tail)! its Ill' nilI . itis• ‘,0311l ta•1110.1):11, 1 I 1, lilt'. To I, I •;,..1 r , that
.In. 1 ant • man.
• ; be til- t, III:I Ai!: .1.1%0
the same
I I 11■0416 %, 1111 St', end 1111,1,1' I 1 I ;I, t• nil 011'1111'7' 41,1 111:'011. Al ta:1all I ion aa, and )1111 110W tIlitittling ill a Lotu hi the wail ,i11,11.• I am O'Connor. as editor ot' the altmg will) the publisher of 'hat paper, sent a memorial to Lord Nol'1113Ithy. Whi,i1S:111C(1 the Sitb- stance f)I'the letter given :tlfove; :teal then the inemorialists said they had been informed-- - That des is ti ,c first instance or a pris. ytosct•litt..1 by rr ■111 for a political libel, Ming sa tie tied:
Thai `lir Illnilett, when inipris,•tas1 ha• a liha olr01100. was permitted to
IWO% ilk. VIIIti and 111 hall 1;••••• ;;I ant .1 : wad. a al; reasonable. Limns, 0111.I It rt.r)e,Foll,1 It., 0 0. 0; .4100 , 1 11r. 1,-i.:1 limit hall like
indoh...11;•li's, pt,.. !sal I. I' 5. 1,... m1111,4. cast: has :,.•;•,, a ha, • • • .• ; s house at la in], Li-, I r Ia., II . t. I, s II' cads, anti
t•aadoraal I RIl.,• lag Ilia t; : that 11r. (eOrgt, 1,, 01 11;rad ,,I)).., 0 1 :1o o,.: it lea I tonittiCe,
IloII.ot 1 110 ) .1 „:.] 1::, .• • ) , I le. tIviaors'
ta 1 111, II', .e al, ,-; I'. I 11, •-•-. -; 1, aol, it for a: 'leas, I, I n st• at s ,.;•••;•1,, ,11 I 'I; sla, :.0 • :,1011.1, ',ill) a. 110 Slii. it thin■I Iii 1110, L.I.L .11\ a.lo, It in 11,e y.ati ullcr 111:1:1 1,11 : :1,, Id I Ill.tolgla it 51 I1 ;11■ ",1 ; , • ,. 1hi.I4, it, . ie r, ur i 1.1 r lor e poh : 11■1.1 it, II, 10 lit.In 10.1 ■ to, . ..) 1..0 11, 1111 I I 101411,1 ,lite.t1 o v ol 1/alt,) i •
rule.. Need .•07 not 101. o • :
• 1 1,,a1111 .1i;:) rio 41,.'y I I 1), ■.i. loi, 1.1,0)